Home John Lennon Jealous guy

Jealous guy


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara John Lennon Jealous guy

testo accordi chitarra spartiti John Lennon
John Lennon

tabs chords lyrics

Sol Mim Re 
Re Mim 
Sol   Mim             Re 
I was dreaming of the past
Re7                      Mim 
And my heart was beating fast
Mim6               Re 
I began to lose control
Mim                Do 
I began to lose control
Sol      Rem           Do  Re6 
I didn't mean to hurt you
Sol       Rem    Sib 
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Sol                   Mim  Sol6 
I didn't want to hurt you
Do         Sol 
I'm just a jealous guy
Sol   Mim          Re 
I was feeling insecure
Re7                      Mim 
You might not love me anymore
Mim6               Re 
I was shivering inside
Mim                Do 
I was shivering inside
Sol      Rem           Do  Re6 
I didn't mean to hurt you
Sol       Rem    Sib 
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Sol                    Mim  Sol6 
I didn't mean to hurt you
Do         Sol 
I'm just a jealous guy
Sol   Mim                  Re 
I was trying to catch your eyes
Re7                             Mim 
Thought that you were trying to hide
Mim6                Re 
I was swallowing my pain
Mim                 Do 
I was swallowing my pain
Sol      Rem          Do  Re6 
I didn't mean to hurt you
Sol       Rem    Sib 
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Sol      Mim          Sol6 
I didn't mean to hurt you
Do         Sol 
I'm just a jealous guy