Home Led Zeppelin Tangerine



Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Led Zeppelin Tangerine

testo accordi chitarra spartiti Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin

tabs chords lyrics

Lam  Lasus4  Lam  Sol  Re 
Lam  Lasus4  Lam  Sol  Re  Do 
Lam  Sol  Re  Resus4  Re  Re5  Re 
Lam            Sol      Re 
Measuring in a summer's day,
Lam          Sol   Re      Do 
only find it slips away to grey,
Lam             Sol      Re   Do  Re 
The hours, they bring me pain.
Sol    Do           Re 
Tangerine Tangerine,
Sol              Do             Re 
Living reflection  from a dream;
Sol            Do               Re 
I was her love,  she was my queen,
Sol                         Re 
And now a thousand years between.
Lam             Sol     Re 
Thinking how it used to be,
Lam            Sol      Re         Do 
Does she still remember times like these?
Lam         Sol Re 
To think of us again?
And I do.
Lam  Do  Re  Fa  Mim  Fa  Sol  Mim  Fa7+ 
Do   Re  Do  Re 
Sol       Do        Re 
Tangerine Tangerine,
Sol              Do            Re 
Living reflection  from a dream;
Sol            Do              Re 
I was her love,  she was my queen,
Sol                         Re 
And now a thousand years between.