Home REM Until The Day is Done

Until The Day is Done


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara REM Until The Day is Done

testo accordi chitarra spartiti REM

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Strum: Re Do Sol Re 
Re                 Do                 Sol    Re 
The battle's been lost, the war is not won
Re                        Do   Sol     Re 
An addled republic, a bitter refund
Re                             Do                   Sol     Re 
The business first flat earthers licking their wounds
Re                  Do                   Sol   Re 
The verdict is dire, the country's in ruins
Do                           Sol      Re 
Providence blinked, facing the sun
Do                           G   Re 
Where are we left to carry on
Lam7        Sol         Re 
Until the day is done
La7           Sol        Re 
Until the day is done
Re                   Do                    Sol     Re 
As we've written our stories to entertain
Re                   Do                    Sol     Re 
These notions of glory and bull market gain
Re                   Do                    Sol     Re 
The teleprompt flutters, the power surge brings
Re                   Do                    Sol      Re 
An easy speed message falls into routine
Do                           Sol           Re 
Providence blinked, facing the sun
Do                           Sol     Re 
Where are we left to carry on
Lam7        Sol         Re 
Until the day is done
La7           Sol        Re 
Until the day is done
      Sol               Re 
A voice whispers "Son,
      Sol                 Re 
The blessed vision comes."
      Sol          Re 
What have I done
      Sol       La7 
What have I done
Re                  Do                Sol     Re 
So hold tight your babies and your guns
Re                  Do                   Sol      Re 
Forgive us our trespasses, father and son
Do                          Sol          Re 
Providence blinked, facing the sun
Do                          Sol     Re 
Where are we left to carry on
Lam7       Sol        Re 
Until the day is done
La7           Sol       Re 
Until the day is done
Lam7       Sol        Re 
Until the day is done
Strum:Do  Sol   Re