Home Red Hot Chili Peppers Never Is A Long Times

Never Is A Long Times


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Red Hot Chili Peppers Never Is A Long Times

testo accordi chitarra spartiti Red Hot Chili Peppers
Red Hot Chili Peppers

tabs chords lyrics

Fa         Rem             Do7  Fa    La#m 
   If I stole it all, or hesitate
Fa                   Rem             Do7  Fam 
   The world would always never seems to wait
La#m      Do#               Sol#    La#m 
   A comedy that could be so divine
Fa#            Do# 
   Never is a long time
Fa#          Re#m               Do#7      Fa#   Sim 
   A shadow born to steal the light of day
Fa#          Re#m               Do#7      Fa#m 
   You woke me up and said come on let's play
Sim           Re               Sol   Fa#m 
   But now I know this never had between
    Sim        Re       Sol 
You are, you are the star within
     Sim        Re          Sol 
From far, from far, from far away
    Sim         Re        Sol 
The law that caused it all to stay
  La       Sol       La       Sol        La      Sol     [DROP!] 
By you, by you, by you, by you, for you, I do
  A never that will always
     Sim        Re       Sol 
You are, you are the star within
     Sim        Re          Sol 
From far, from far, from far away
    Sim         Re        Sol 
The law that caused it all to stay
  La       Sol       La       Sol 
by you, by you, By you, by you
  La             Sol                   La               Sol  
A baby claṗping on your dress, will always have a place I guess
Strum: La Sol Sim Re Sol