Home Oasis Boy With The Blues

Boy With The Blues


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Oasis Boy With The Blues

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Capo sul 4 tasto
Strum: Mim Misus4 Lam Do Sol Do (x 2 Volte) 
Mim            Misus4 
You sing, You shout.
    Lam             Do 
You turn the world around.
        Sol          Do           Mim 
Yeah we come all together for you.
Mim          Misus4 
You let, Me see.
    Lam           Do 
The man im gonna be.
        Sol          Do           Mim 
Yeah we come all together for you.
Mim7             Mim6 
   Remember the shine.
Do                       Mim 
   Let my love take you high.
Mim7                 Mim6 
   Youve nothing to lose.
Do                            Mim 
   Youre just a boy with the blues.
Strum: Mim Misus4 Lam Do Sol Do 
Mim          Misus4 
You take, A bow.
Lam            Do 
Never to back down.
        Sol          Do           Mim 
Yeah we come all together for you.
Mim                 Misus4 
And my dreams, Are bound.
Lam               Do 
To come true somehow.
        Sol          Do           Mim 
Yeah we come all together for you.
Mim7             Mim6 
   Remember the shine.
Do                       Mim 
   Let my love take you high.
Mim7                 Mim6 
   Youve nothing to lose.
Do                            Mim 
   Youre just a boy with the blues.
Mim7             Mim6 
   Remember the smile.
Do                       Mim 
   Let my love take you high.
Mim7                Mim6 
   I've nothing to lose.
Do                          Mim 
   I'm just a boy with the blues.
Strum: Mim Misus4 Lam Do Sol Do    (x 2 Volte) 
Mim        Misus4   Lam        Do 
Come on together, Come on together.
Sol         Do           Mim 
Come on together for you.
Mim        Misus4   Lam        Do 
Come on together, Come on together.
Sol         Do           Mim 
Come on together for you.
Mim        Misus4   Lam        Do 
Come on together, Come on together.
Sol         Do           Mim 
Come on together for you.