Home Muse Take a Bow

Take a Bow


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Muse Take a Bow

testo accordi chitarra spartiti Muse

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Strum: Re La#aug Sol Re#aug
Do       Sol#aug 
         Do  Sol#aug 
You corrupt
          Do          Sol#aug             Do Sol#aug 
Bring corruption to all that you touch
Do    Sol#aug 
         Do   Sol#aug 
You'll behold
       Do          Sol#aug             Do  Sol#aug 
And beholden for all that you've done
      Fa  Do#aug 
And spell
          Fa  Do#aug 
Cast a spell
          Fa           Do#aug       Fa Do#aug 
Cast a spell on the country you run
      La#  Fa#aug 
And risk
          La  Fa#aug 
You will risk
          La               Fa#aug          La   Fa#aug 
You will risk all their lives and their souls
     Re#  Siaug 
And burn
           Re# Siaug 
You will burn
           Re#     Siaug 
You will burn in hell
             Re#      Siaug 
Yeah You'll burn in hell
         Re#      Siaug 
You'll burn in hell
              Re#      Siaug          Re# 
Yeah you'll burn in hell for your sins
Strum: Re#  Siaug  La#dim 
          Re#m         Si        Sol#m 
And our freedom's consuming itself
La#  Re#m/Fa#   Fa7         La#m    Re#m/Fa#       Re#m  
What  we    become is contrary to what we want
Take a bow
Strum: Fa Do#aug La# Fa#aug Re# Siaug
   Sol#  Miaug 
            Sol# Miaug 
You bring death
         Sol#         Miaug           Sol# Miaug 
And destruction to all that you touch
  Sol# Miaug 
          Sol# Miaug 
You must pay
          Sol#             Miaug            Sol# Miaug    
You must pay for your crimes against the earth
 Do#  Laaug 
          Do# Laaug 
Feed the hex
          Do#           Laaug       Do#  Laaug 
Feed the hex on the country you love
          Fa# Reaug 
Yeah and beg
           Fa# Reaug 
You will beg
          Fa#            Reaug             Fa#   Reaug 
You will beg for their lives and their souls
           Si  Solaug 
Yeah and burn
           Si  Solaug 
You will burn
           Si      Solaug 
You will burn in hell
             Si        Solaug 
yeah You'll burn in hell
         Si       Solaug 
You'll burn in hell
             Si       Solaug 
yeah You'll burn in hell
         Si       Solaug 
You'll burn in hell
                Si        Solaug     Si    
Yeah you will burn for all your sins
Strum: La Do