Home Muse Endlessly



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testo accordi chitarra spartiti Muse

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Lam                                 Mi 
There's a part of me you'll never know
Lam                         Mi 
The only thing I'll never show
Rem                         Lam 
Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Rem                         Fa 
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
   Solm     La        Rem 
I won't leave you falling
Sol                    Do 
If the moment ever comes
Lam                                 Mi 
It's plain to see, it's trying to speak
Lam                          Mi 
Cherished dreams forever asleep
Rem                         Lam 
Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Rem                         Fa 
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
   Solm     La        Rem 
I won't leave you falling
Sol                    Do 
If the moment ever comes
Rem                         Lam 
Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Rem                         Fa 
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything