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Capo sul 2 tasto
Strum: Sim La  Sim La  Fa#m Mi Re La (x 2 Volte) 
Sim            La              Sim                  La 
People always make me crazy, love me last, don't love me maybe
Fa#m                 Mi             Re    La 
What's the point in singing silly love songs?
Sim                     La               Sim              La 
Who do they think they are to tell us? Make me sad and make my jealous
Fa#m             Mi              Re      La 
Don't believe a word 'cos they are so wrong
Sim La   Sim La   Fa#m Mi  Re  La 
Lo-la, haaaa  Lo- la haaaa
Oh sex and lies and mystery, they don't bring out the best in me
Keep jumping from one lover to another
Thank you for the time you've taken, cleaning up the mess I've made
I can made the same mistake over and over
Sim La        Sim         La     Fa#m              Mi       Re         La 
Lo-la, I've made up my mind, I'm not going to fall in love this time
Sim La        Sim         La     Fa#m              Mi       Re         La 
Lo-la, I've made up my mind, I'm not going to fall in love this time
Sim La Sim La    Fa#m Mi   Re  La 
     haaaa   Lo- la  haaaa
Oh why pretend to be so jaded , it's so easy just to hate it
Everyone can love you for a dollar
But when you find your lust for real, you'll beg and borrow, cheat or steal
Trying to get some money just to call her
Lo-la, I've made up my mind, I'm not going to fall in love this time
Lo-la, I've made up my mind, I'm not going to fall in love this time
Re    Fa#m                             Do#m                            Fa#m 
Haaa Ha-aa Like a fish out of water, it picks you up then spits you out
Why do we even bother, when there's only one way out
And we both know it, Lover
Lo-la, I've made up my mind, I'm not going to fall in love this time
Lo-la, I've made up my mind, I'm not going to fall in love this time
Oh you could stop it if you try, love makes you laugh, it makes you cry
The oldest game in history, repeating.
Oh you could stop it if you try, love makes you laugh, it makes you cry
The oldest game in history, repeating.
Lo-la, haaaa  Lola baby it's just another love song
Lo-la, haaaa  Lola baby it's just another love song
Lo-la, I've made up my mind, Lola baby it's just another love song
Lo-la, I've made up my mind, Lola baby it's just another love song
Uh-ha haaaa, Uh-ha ha-aaa...