Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara James Blunt In Flower
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Capo sul 2 tasto Sol You're A butterfly Si7 and you want to be Sol in flowers Si7 and you want to meet Sol Dali lama Re reach nirvana Do Sol because I love you love me Do Sol I just want you to be Re in flowers Sol with me 2 Sol I'm A little child Si7 and I want to be Sol held in your arms Si7 any fool can see Sol that it's nothing new Re that I need you Do Sol because I love you love me Do Sol I just want you to see Re Sol the little child in me 3 Sol Si7 there's A butterfly that’s in my heart Sol Si7 it lives in me when we're apart Sol Re but preferably you stay with me Do Sol because I love you love me Do Sol Re Sol I just want you to be the butterfly in me