Home James Blunt I Can't Hear The Music

I Can't Hear The Music


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara James Blunt I Can’t Hear The Music

testo accordi chitarra spartiti James Blunt
James Blunt

tabs chords lyrics

Is it a warning?
Is it an evil sign?
        Fa                  Sol 
Is it a people who have lost their minds?
Is it the darkness?
Is it a man resigned?
        Fa                  Sol 
Is it a best friend leaving you behind?
           Lam       Do 
Is it a bad day for humankind?
        Fa                  Sol 
Is it a prophet with a one track mind?
Is it the finish?
Is it a fearful find?
        Fa                  Sol 
Is it the centre as your world unwinds?
      Do              Sol            Lam          Sol 
And if I can’t hear the music and the audience is gone
    Fa7maj            Sol 
I’ll dance here on my own
       Do               Sol              
And I’ll hope the lonely hearts club band
 Lam                  Sol 
Can play out one last song
Fa7maj               Sol 
Before the sun goes down
And there she goes
And there she goes
And is it evil?
Should it really make you sick?
           Fa                               Sol   
Is now the time that you realize you’d better get out quick?
          Lam           Do   
And is it envy or pride that makes them vain?
         Fa                                     Sol 
Did you give your all but you’re only small and now your body’s drained?
         Lam                           Do 
This is never going to stop, they will never let you go
         Fa                                        Sol 
You’re in a rush, they don’t care enough, and their lives are very slow
 Lam                    Do      
Time is ticking on, too long to fake a smile
            Fa                                       Sol  
And you’ve sold your soul for a leading role and to wear it for a while
      Do                Sol             Lam          Sol  
And if I can’t hear the music and the audience is gone
    Fa7maj            Sol 
I’ll dance here on my own
         Do               Sol              
And I’ll hope the lonely hearts club band
 Lam                  Sol 
Can play out one last song
Fa7maj               Sol 
Before the sun goes down
And there she goes
And there she goes
So round you’ll see me run
‘Cause Billy’s got himself a gun
And you’re right to be afraid
They’ll send you to your grave
‘Cause it’s strange and new
      Do                Sol             Lam          Sol  
And if I can’t hear the music and the audience is gone
    Fa7maj            Sol 
I’ll dance here on my own
         Do               Sol              
And I’ll hope the lonely hearts club band
 Lam                  Sol 
Can play out one last song
Fa7maj               Sol 
Before the sun goes down
And there she goes
And there she goes
So round you’ll see me run
‘Cause Billy’s got himself a gun
And you’re right to be afraid
They’ll send you to your grave
‘Cause it’s strange and new
Do                Sol            Lam          Sol 
And if I can’t hear the music and the audience is gone
I’ll dance...