Home Coldplay Now My Feet Wont Touch The Ground

Now My Feet Wont Touch The Ground


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Coldplay Now My Feet Wont Touch The Ground

testo accordi chitarra spartiti Coldplay

tabs chords lyrics

Strum: Do5 Solsus4/Re Do/Mi Do5 Do/Fa Do5/Sol Do5
      Do5               Do/Fa
Let me go, boys, let me go.
Push my boat from the highest cliff
           Solsus4   Soladd4
to the sea below.
          Do5             Do/Fa
Rocks are waiting, rocks await.
    Lam7          Domaj7/Mi Do/Fa
Swim down from the sky and catch me
     Solsus4  Do5    Do/La Do/Si Do5
Like a bird of prey.
Do5  Solsus4/Re Do/Mi  Do5   Do/Fa       Do5
Now my        feet won't touch the ground.
Do5  Solsus4/Re Do/Mi  Do/Sol Solsus4 Soladd4
Now my        head won't  stop.
    Soladd4  Do5  Solsus4/Re       Do5
You wait   a   lifetime to be found,
Do5  Solsus4/Re  Do/Mi  Do5   Do/Fa       Do5
Now my        feet won't touch the ground.
Strum: Do5/La
Do5  Solsus4/Re Do/Mi  Do5   Do/Fa       Do5
Now my        feet won't touch the ground.
Do5  Solsus4/Re Do/Mi  Do/Sol Solsus4 Soladd4
Now my        head won't  stop.
    Soladd4  Do5  Solsus4/Re       Do5
You wait   a   lifetime to be found,
Do5  Solsus4/Re  Do/Mi  Do5   Do/Fa       Do5
Now my        feet won't touch the ground.