Home Coldplay Death Willnever Conquer

Death Willnever Conquer


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Coldplay Death Willnever Conquer

testo accordi chitarra spartiti Coldplay

tabs chords lyrics

Capo 1 Tasto
Strum: Re La Re 
   Re                     Sol     Re 
If sweet death should ever conquer me
       Re              La 
Let me know boys let me know
   Re                            Sol    Re 
If you hear him coming won’t you let me flee?
       Re      La     Re 
Let me go boys let me go
Re                        Sol      Re 
One day death is going to conquer me
        Re                    La 
I’ll be down where the waters flow
  Re                      Sol       Re 
I hope sweet heaven has a place for me
       Re        La     Re 
Let me know boys let me know
Strum: Re Sol Re 
       Re La 
       Re Sol Re 
       Re La Re 
Re                         Sol       Re 
If sweet death should ever conquer me
      Re                   La 
Take me down to some place below
  Re                            Sol    Re 
If you hear him coming won’t you set me free?
      Re      La    Re 
Let me go boys let me go
  Sim                           Sol      Re 
If you hear him coming won’t you say for me?
      Sim         La      Re 
That I just don’t want to go