Home Coldplay Atlas



Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Coldplay Atlas

testo accordi chitarra spartiti Coldplay

tabs chords lyrics

Capo 4 Tasto
Strum: Rem 
Rem          Mim 
Some saw the sun
Solm          Re 
Some saw the smoke
Lam           Mi 
Some heard the gun
Mi7sus4       Lam 
Some bent the bow
Do           Rem 
Sometimes the wire
Do        Mi        Lam 
Must tense for the note
Rem                Mi         Rem 
We're caught in the fire, say oh
        Sol          Re 
We're about to explode
Re         Lam 
Carry your world
Do               Sol 
I'll carry your world
Re          Lam 
Carry your world
Do                Sol   
I'll carry your world
Strum: Fa Mim 
Solm       Re 
Some far away
Lam              Mi 
Some search for gold
Mi7sus4         Lam 
Some dragon to slay
Do         Rem  
Heaven we hope
Do      Mi      Lam 
Is just up the road
Rem          Mi 
Show me the way, lord,
        Rem      Sol       Re 
Because I, I'm about to explode
Re          Lam 
Carry your world
Do               Sol 
I'll carry your world
Re          Lam 
Carry your world
Do               Sol   
I'll carry your world
Re          Lam 
Carry your world
Do            Sol 
And all your hurt
Re          Lam 
Carry your world
Do           Sol 
Carry your world
Strum: Re Lam Do Sol