Home Coldplay Anothers Arms

Anothers Arms


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Coldplay Anothers Arms

testo accordi chitarra spartiti Coldplay

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Strum: Mim Sol Re Resus2 Sim (x 2 Volte)
Mim        Sol 
Late night watching TV,
       Re           Resus2  Sim 
used to be you here beside me,
Mim                  Sol 
used to be your arms around me,
    Re          Resus2 Sim  
your body on my body.
Mim                            Sol ( Solmaj7 )
    When the world means nothing to me,
         Re              Lam   Sol Sol/Fa#  Mim 
Another's arms, another's arms,
                             Sol    ( Solmaj7 )
When the pain just rips right through me
         Re                Lam 
Another's arms, another's arms,
Strum: Mim Sol Re Resus2 Sim (x 2 Volte)
Late night watching TV,
used to be you here beside me,
Is there someone there to reach me?
someone there to find me...
Mim                               Sol ( Solmaj7 )
    When the pain just rips right through me,
         Re              Lam   Sol Sol/Fa#  Mim 
Another's arms, another's arms,
                    Sol ( Solmaj7 )
That's just torture to me,
         Re              Lam   Sol Sol/Fa#  Mim 
Another's arms, another's arms,
Mim                Sol ( Solmaj7 )
    Pull yourself into me,
        Re             Lam   Sol Sol/Fa#  Mim 
Another's arms, another's arms,
                             Sol ( Solmaj7 )
When the world means nothing to me,
        Re              Lam 
Another's arms, another's arms...
Strum: Mim Re Resus2 x3
       Do Sim 
       Mim Sol Re Lam Sol Sol/Fa# x2 
Mim                       Sol ( Solmaj7 )
    Got to pull you close into me,
         Re              Lam    Sol Sol/Fa# Mim 
Another's arms, another's arms,
                    Sol    ( Solmaj7 )
Pull yourself right through me,
         Re              Lam 
Another's arms, another's arms,
Mim G Re Lam (x 2 Volte) Mim 
Late night watching TV,
wish that you were here beside me,
wish that your arms were around me,
your body on my body.