Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Coldplay All Your Friends
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Fa#m Do#m Mi Fa#m On and on. You're told which side you're on. Mi Aaaaahhaaahhaah Fa#m Do#m Mi Fa#m You're forced, you're thrown, to become the scythe to cut the corn. Do#m Re Aaaahhaaahhaahhaaa Re Mi And all your friends they Ride into the sunset Do#m Re Fly into the sunset,and away they go. Re Mi And all your friends they ride into the sunset, Do#m Re Fly into the sunset. And away they're thrown Sim Mi Fa#m Into the fire Fa#m Do#m Mi Fa#m Ten Below. A call comes on the radio Mi Aaahhaahhaahaa Fa#m Do#m Mi Fa#m Over you go. And red now all the rivers flow. Do#m Re The Poppies grow. Aaahhahhaahhaa Re Mi And all your friends they Ride into the sunset Do#m Re Fly into the sunset,and away they go. Re Mi And all your friends they ride into the sunset, Do#m Re Fly into the sunset. And they're taken home Sim Mi Fa#m Into the fire Sim Mi Fa#m Open Fire. Sim Mi Fa#m Open fire. Sim Mi Fa#m Open fire. Sim Mi Fa#m Open fire. Sim Mi Fa# Just ride and fire.