Home Bryan Adams Miss america

Miss america


Testi Accori Spartiti Chitara Bryan Adams Miss america

testo accordi chitarra spartiti Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams

tabs chords lyrics

Strum: Fa Do Sol Do Fa Do Sol 
                      Fa Do            Sol 
it was the hottest summer, i was seventeen
                     Fa Do                     Sol 
you were a little older, ya the best i'd ever seen
                   Fa     Do                Sol 
we were young and foolish, only out for laughs
         Fa          Do                 Mi 
didn't realise that time would fly so fast
       Fa             Do 
miss america, tell me where you are
         Sol                 Rem 
can't believe I've gone and lost you
          Fa                Do       Sol 
just a photograph - just a memory to me ya
                Fa                    Do 
we were so misunderstood, thought we had it good
         Sol              Rem 
but just too young to know it
    Fa                            Sol 
and now - i remember the way we were
miss america
Strum: Fa Do Sol 
                     Fa  Do                 Sol 
I can hear your laughter, like it was yesterday
                      Fa                   Do                 Sol 
you would put your hair up, I'd take it down, I liked it that way
                Fa                Do 
we stayed out late and counted stars
from the backseat of my car
       Fa               Do 
you said it's love, I said ok
didn't know what else to say
       Fa             Do 
miss america, tell me where you are
         Sol                 Rem 
can't believe I've gone and lost you
          Fa                Do       Sol 
just a photograph - just a memory to me ya
                Fa                    Do 
we were so misunderstood, thought we had it good
         Sol              Rem 
but just too young to know it
    Fa                            Sol 
and now - i remember the way we were
miss america
Strum: Fa Do Sol Do Fa Do Sol 
		Fa               Sol 
we traced our names out in the stars
  Fa              Sol 
ya the world was ours
     Fa          Do 
I'm ready, I am ready for
    Sol                Do 
the way we were, way back before
     Fa                Do 
we both grew up, and you left town
miss USA, where are you now?
   Fa  Do           Sol 
tell me....gone and lost you
           Fa                Do       Sol 
just a photograph - just a memory to me ya
                Fa                  Do 
we were so misunderstood, thought we had it good
         Sol              Dm 
but just too young to know it
    Fa                          Sol 
and now - i remember the way we were
         Fa  Do           Sol 
i can't forget the way we were
it was good...miss america